Alison Coombs wins Re-election to Aurora City Council, At-Large

November 9, 2023
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About Us

Earthworks Action Fund’s mission is to build political support in the United States for protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions.

We fulfill our mission by working with communities to advocate for clean air, water and land, as well as healthy and safe communities. Earthworks Action Fund endeavors to reform government policies, improve corporate practices and help elect pro-conservation leaders who will protect both the earth’s resources and public health.

Earthworks Action Fund is affiliated with Earthworks, an organization that evolved from the work of two organizations: Mineral Policy Center and the Oil & Gas Accountability Project.

We encourage people from across the country to join us in our efforts. Click here to sign up and add your voice.

Please note: the Earthworks Action Fund is an affiliated but separate organization from Earthworks. As a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, Earthworks Action Fund engages in various advocacy and political activities for which Earthworks, a 501(c)(3) organization, faces certain legal limitations or restrictions. News and information released by Earthworks Action Fund therefore needs to be identified as from Earthworks Action Fund.

Alison Coombs wins Re-election to Aurora City Council, At-Large

November 9, 2023
Latest News